Friday, June 19, 2009

Closure of over 200 California State Parks

I normally do not get political here, but I think for me and millions of other Californians this is an issue that cannot be ignored. The State government is proposing the closure of 200+ of California's state parks, I really think this is an unacceptable option. As a life long resident I have used the parks from going to the beach, camping, or just spending the day with family and friends. The state parks are such a big part of our lives in this state, that with the closures there are many places that we go on a regular basis that will not be open to us anymore.

I hope the state leaders re-think this option and keep our parks open, I just don't understand the state's thinking process, we have uncontrolled spending and out of control taxes, perhaps we should hold our "leaders" accountable for their spending and make them live within a budget like every other American must do to survive each and every day.

You may want to check out this link to get a good understanding on what is going on and what exactly is being proposed by our government. We owe it to ourselves and our kids to keep these parks open for all to use today and for the future.

I am in no way affiliated with this organization, nor do I have any ties at all. I just think that we should do what is necessary to keep our parks open for the enjoyment of all who wish to use them. We have really let our state get into a mess and the time is coming where we must hold someone accountable for the nonsense that has gone on for entirely too long.

I am going to be following this story closely and will give updates on how it is playing out. I really don't to have to tell mey kids we can no longer use the parks they grew up playing and camping in because the state has been irresponsible with spending our money.
Here is a list of the parks slated for closure, some of these parks I grew up going to on a regular basis. Morro Strand State Beach, Hearst State Beach (San Simeon Beach), & Pismo State Beach are just a few of the sites that will close. Look closely, you may find some you recognize, very sad indeed.

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